November 11, 2015
WOD “Loredo” Six rounds for time of: * 24 Squats 24 Push-ups 24 Walking lunge steps 400M Run * 40 Minute time cap Workout notes: Today is veteran’s day and we do this workout to honor anyone who has served in the united states armed forces. We’ll just tackle this workout with no added skill portion. […]
November 10, 2015
Skill Tabata Pull-Ups Rest 1 Minute Tabata Seated Leg Raise The skill work today focuses on two basic bodyweight movements that do take some effort to master. In order to move well with kipping pull-ups you’ll need a baseline level of strength and coordination so first master kipping swings and strict pulling strength before attempting that movement. If you […]
November 9, 2015
[creativ_alertbox icon=”” colour=”theme” custom_colour=””]Last year we held an in house competition and holiday party to celebrate CrossFit Davis members and all of their accomplishments. The event was a big success and a lot of fun for everyone involved so we’re bringing it back! Today’s workouts are a sampling of the fun from 2014. More info […]
November 8, 2015
WOD 5 Rounds with 2 Minutes on each station Row for Calories Overhead Squats 95/65 lb Rest Workout notes: This workout will be scored in “Fight Gone Bad” style, scoring your total number of repetitions completed in the entire 20 minutes of work. It is possible to game the workout by working on one movement and trying […]
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November 7, 2015
WOD AMRAP in 12 Minutes 3 Snatch 135/105 lb 6 Clean & Jerk 135/105 lb 9 Chest-To-Bar Pull-Ups 54 Double Unders Workout notes: Today’s workout comes to us from the CrossFit Lift-Off competition. This workout is paired with a max effort squat snatch and clean & jerk to determine a combined champion as well as winners […]
November 6, 2015
[creativ_alertbox icon=”” colour=”theme” custom_colour=””]This weekend is the first ever CrossFit Lift-Off competition! The competition entails a 1RM Snatch, 1RM Clean & Jerk plus a metcon. This will be the first ever competition hosted by CrossFit that will be sectioned into weight classes! We will open the gym Saturday starting at 10:30 to anyone who wants to enter […]
November 5, 2015
Strength Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5 Work up to a strong effort set of 5 deadlifts. Start with a light weight and make sure that you have established a straight back and appropriate setup as you address the bar. Remember to maintain your posture as you progress though each set of five and as you increase in weight. WOD […]
November 4, 2015
Skill 6 x 1 Accumulate 15 seconds in an L-Sit* * resting at least 1 minute between efforts, efforts do NOT need to be unbroken Today we are working the L-sit during our skill work. The movement is one that is highly scaleable. Beginners should start working on an L-sit the floor placing the hands as far […]
November 3, 2015
Skill EMOM for 10 Minutes 1 Squat Clean For the skill work today we’ll be working up to a moderate weight squat clean. You’ll perform one repetition every minute. Pull from the floor practice fast elbows while you catch the clean in the bottom of your squat. If you are new to the lift work on […]