March 4, 2015
Skill EMOM for 10 Minutes 3 Push Jerk Work up to a light effort triple in the push jerk and perform that lift every minute for 10 minutes. That’s 10 sets of 3 consecutive reps so the lift shouldn’t be too heavy but a bit more than you would use in a metcon. For this lift you will dip […]
March 3, 2015
Skill E2MOM for 10 Minutes :30 seconds of Chest-To-Bar Pull-Ups We’re looking at 5 sets of Max effort pull-ups with a two minute timer. Use about :30 seconds to get as many pull-ups as you can. Kipping is allowed but make sure to protect your hands. If you are not quite ready for kipping pull-ups […]
March 2, 2015
[creativ_alertbox icon=”” colour=”red” custom_colour=””]Be sure to get your open scores in by 5PM tonight![/creativ_alertbox] Strength Front Squat 3-3-3-3-3 Work up to a strong effort 3 rep front squat. Start light and increase the weight for each set. The focus here should be keeping your torso upright and tracking your knees over your feet. Your elbows should […]
March 1, 2015
Well that was a lot of fun!! 15.1 happened yesterday at CrossFit Davis. Be sure to log your scores before Monday at 5PM! WOD 3 Rounds for Time 800M Run 21 Burpee Box Jump 24/20″ 12 Clean & Jerk 135/95lbs Workout notes: Yesterday we tested our 1RM clean and jerk and in true CrossFit fashion we should […]
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February 28, 2015
Strength Clean & Jerk 1-1-1-1-1 Spend some time working up to a strong effort Clean & Jerk. Monday we emphasized the squat clean and split jerk as the best method for moving big weights but for today work on moving a big load with whatever works best for you. Everyone should start with a very light warmup and […]
February 27, 2015
The 2015 Open is here! Workout 15.1 and an additional workout 15.1a were announced last night. As usual CrossFit has not disappointed. If you are interesting in participating, it is not too late to register. To find out what you need to know about competing in the Open with CrossFit Davis. Read the following post. What […]
What You Need To Know If You Are Participating in the 2015 Open
1. It lasts 5 weeks, you will need to complete 1 workout per week over 5 weeks. The workouts will be released on Thursday at 5pm each week (Starting Feb. 26th) and must be completed by Monday at 5pm each week. 2. You will be responsible for submitting your own score online. Once you have […]
February 26, 2015
Skill Tabata Handstand Hold The Tabata interval is 8 rounds of 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest. Complete the full 8 rounds and hold the handstand during as much of the 20 second interval as you can. If you have trouble during long effort handstand holds, add in some extra rest by coming […]
February 25, 2015
Strength 1-1-1-1-1 Weighted Pull-Up Work up to a strong effort weighted pull-up. Perform the pull-ups strict and without weight rather than kipping if you are not quite ready for weighted pull-ups. If you do not have strict pull-ups yet perform 5 sets for max reps of supine ring rows. WOD 5 Rounds for Time 9 Power […]