February 10, 2015
Skill For quality 4-3-2-1 Wall Walk Ring Roll-Out 10 reps of each might look simple but these movements are quite hard when performed for quality and to their full range of motion. Take your time with each resting as long as you need to to perform each movement to best of your ability. Pause and […]
February 9, 2015
Skill 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 Split Jerk Work up to a strong effort split jerk for the day. Start with a light load and add weight in small increments only if each lift is technically sound. Focus on distributing your weight equally over both feet with your front foot toed in slightly and your back foot planted on the ball of […]
February 8, 2015
WOD “Angie” For time 100 Pull-ups 100 Push-ups 100 Sit-ups 100 Squats Workout notes: This workout is a classic CrossFit “girls” chipper. We start with what is for most people the more difficult movement, pull-ups, and complete all 100 reps before moving on to the next hardest movement and so on. The total number will be […]
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February 7, 2015
WOD 5 Rounds for time 20 Kettlebell Swings 24/16kg 15 Box Jumps 24/20″ 10 Squat Clean 135/95lbs Workout notes: All of the movements in today’s workout involve some equipment! The most challenging movement for most will of course be the squat clean. If you are new to this movement you can practice it with a […]
February 6, 2015
Strength Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5-5 Work up to a strong effort set of 5 deadlifts. Start with a light weight and make sure that you have established a straight back and appropriate setup as you address the bar. Be sure to maintain your posture as you progress though each set of five and as you increase in […]
February 5, 2015
Skill Tabata L-Sit Tabata Superman Hold Perform a full Tabata(8 rounds) interval for both movements. Rest 1 Minute between movements. Scale the L-Sit to a method that lets you keep your legs elevated for more than a few seconds. You can try them with one leg tucked or both. Working on the floor and essentially […]
February 4, 2015
Skill 2-2-2-2-2-2-2 Push Jerk Work up to a strong effort double in the push jerk. For this lift you will dip and drive as you would with a split jerk but re-bend the knees and land in a short partial squat keeping the feet in line and then stand up to finish the lift. Focus on […]
February 3, 2015
Skill Complete as many reps as possible at each station resting 1 minute between movements. As many seconds as possible in 3 Minutes of Plank Hold As many reps as possible in 2 Minutes of Push Ups As many reps as possible in 1 Minute of Hollow Body Rocks Each movement poses a difficult test for today’s skill […]
February 2, 2015
Strength 1-1-1-1-1-1 Power Clean Work up to a strong effort power clean. The lift should start just as you would with a squat clean. Your back angle should remain static as you pull the bar off of the ground and you should start opening your hips as the bar passes your knees. Re-bend to receive the […]