November 24, 2014
[creativ_alertbox icon=”” colour=”red” custom_colour=””]PLEASE NOTE OUR THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY HOURS: We will be holding a workout on Thanksgiving at 9AM only. Friday morning we will be open for the 9:30AM and 12:00PM Classes and returning to normal hours on Saturday.[/creativ_alertbox] Strength 3-3-3-3-3 Weighted Dips Perform 5 sets of 3 Weighted Ring Dips and increase the weight across each […]
November 23, 2014
WOD For Time 800M Run 50 Power Snatches 95/65lbs 800M Run Workout notes: The heart of this workout is obviously the large set of power snatches following the first run but don’t discount the runs! The runs will take up a lot of your workout time so move quickly but choose a pace that leaves you ready to start the […]
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November 22, 2014
WOD “Kelly“ Five rounds for time of: 400M Run 30 Box Jump 24/20″ 30 Wall Ball Shots 20/14lbs 35 Minute Time Cap Workout notes: This classic CrossFit named workout is a longer duration metcon and sits outside of what we normally see. Ideally for a workout like this you are working continuously and pushing the pace […]
November 21, 2014
Skill E2MOM 14 Minutes 3 Power Clean & Jerk Work up to a moderate load and then perform 3 Clean and Jerks every 2 minutes for 14 minutes. Target a weight that is a bit heavier than you would use during a metcon but use this as technique practice. Each lift does not need to be […]
November 20, 2014
Skill Tabata Support Hold On Rings Rest 1 Minute Tabata L-Sit (Floor) The skill work today involves two basic gymnastics movements that can be very challenging. Hold as much of each interval as you can in these positions. With the support hold on the rings make sure your elbows are straight with your hands turned out. […]
November 19, 2014
Skill EMOM for 10 Minutes [odd] Toes-To-Bar [even] Plank Hold Use this time to work on improving your Toes-To-Bar by learning or refining your kip. If you are new to the movement first work on bringing your knees to your chest and then extending the knee and pointing your toes at the bar. Work […]
November 18, 2014
Skill EMOM for 10 Minutes 3 Hang Power Snatch Work up to a light weight Hang Power Snatch and perform 3 repetitions every minute for 10 minutes. Ideally you choose a weight that allows you to do all three reps in a row. Be sure to drop under the bar and land in a partial squat […]
November 17, 2014
Strength Front Squat 8-5-3-2-2-2-2 Work up to a strong effort 2 rep front squat. Start light and increase the weight for each set. The focus here should be on keeping your torso upright and tracking your knees over your feet. If your chest and elbows are collapsing forward and unable to keep the elbows up […]
November 16, 2014
[creativ_alertbox icon=”” colour=”red” custom_colour=””]Starting THIS MONDAY the 8am class will be moving to 7am! Come start your morning off right with our fab CFD Coaches! There will also now be Open Gym from 8-9:30 as well for those of you doing extra work! [/creativ_alertbox] WOD 2x Through with 5 Minutes at each station. Row For […]