June 5, 2014
Strength Back Squat 8-5-5-3-3-2-2-2 Work up to a strong effort 2 rep back squat. Start light and make small jumps. If you are new to this lift you should only increase the load when you have mastered the mechanics. Your knees should be tracking over your feet and your torso angle should be maintained through […]
June 4, 2014
Skill E2MOM for 10 Minutes Odd Sustainable set of Kipping Toes-To-Bar followed by a set of Double Unders Even Rest Work on performing a set of T2B that you can maintain for 5 rounds. If you are new to this movement think of this as kipping practice. Perform kipping knee ups or knees-to-elbows. Make sure […]
June 3, 2014
Reminder! Today we have barbell club at 5:30! WOD Classes are at 4:45PM and 6:30PM. Strength Deadlift 8-5-5-3-3-2-2-2 Work up to a strong double. After your general warm up start light and increase in small jumps. Focus on maintaining your lumbar posture throughout the entire movement. New lifters should remember not to go to failure but judge your […]
June 2, 2014
Strength 5×3 Weighted Pull-Up * Perform 8 sets of 3 weighted pull-ups with the same weight across all 5 sets. The weight should be challenging but choose a weight you can hold across all 5 sets with only a couple of minutes rest. If you are working the bands perform max sets with the lightest […]
Protected: Competition 06-02-2014
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June 1, 2014
GYM WILL BE CLOSED TODAY JUNE 1 FOR THE CROSSFIT GAMES NORCAL REGIONAL Today is the last day of the 2014 CrossFit Games NorCal Regional and CrossFit Davis will be in the final heats! Team CFD starts Saturday at 9:50AM with Corey and Kirsten going at 12:25PM and 2:50PM respectively. Check heat times and follow the […]
May 31, 2014
GYM WILL BE CLOSED TODAY MAY 31, AND TOMORROW JUNE 1 FOR THE CROSSFIT GAMES NORCAL REGIONAL Day 1 of the CrossFit Games NorCal Regional is in the books and CrossFit Davis made a strong showing on day 1! CrossFit Davis has two individuals and one team competing. Team CFD starts Saturday at 9:24AM with Kirsten […]
May 30, 2014
The CrossFit Games NorCal Regionals kicks off today at the San Jose State Event Center! CrossFit Davis has two individuals and one team competing. Team CFD kicks off first at 9:20AM with the individuals following later in the afternoon. You can get heat times and follow the action live at http://games.crossfit.com if you can’t make it […]
May 29, 2014
Skill Power Clean 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 Work up to a heavy power clean. Start light and increase the weight in small increments. Focus on catching the bar with your elbows up and in a partial squat position. As the load gets heavier you should drop a little bit lower to catch the bar rather than try to yank the […]
May 28, 2014
Strength Front Squat 8-5-5-3-3-1-1-1 Build up to a strong effort front squat. If you are new to squatting with the barbell work practice keeping your elbows up and driving through your heels without your chest falling forward. Your knees should track over your feet and your elbows should be up throughout the lift. The best […]