November 15, 2013
Strength 3×2 Push Press. Work up to to a 1RM following your work sets if you have time and are able. New lifters follow the usual protocol, start with and empty bar and move up in small increments. Perform 2-3 reps at each weight. WOD 40-30-20-10Wall Ball Shots 20/14lbsSit-Ups Off Ramp WOD 5 Rounds […]
November 14, 2013
Strength E2MOM For 16 Minutes 3 Power Snatch If you’ve seen this one before try to add a few pounds from last time if it went well. Start with about 60-65% of your 1RM if you are not sure where to start. New lifters should start light and work on technique. Move up when your […]
November 13, 2013
EMOM for 10 Minutes Odd: Max set of sustainable Strict Pull-UpsEven: Max set of sustainable Strict Push-Ups Work on a number that you can maintain through 5 rounds of each. Keep the number as high as you can without bombing out. Work using as little help as possible (band, kip or otherwise). We’ve done a […]
November 12, 2013
Strength Deadlift 3×3 ~ 85% If you have seen this workout before try to add a few pounds from last time. If you are new to powerlifting , start with a light weight and work up to a moderately heavy load. Increase the load only if your mechanics are sound. WOD AMRAP in 8 Minutes […]
November 11, 2013
Regular hours today! Today we honor our Veterans for their service. Thank you to all CFD members who have served or are serving in our armed forces. We appreciate all that you do! WOD “Wittman” Seven rounds for time of:15 Kettlebell swing 24/16kg15 Power clean 95/65lbs15 Box jumps 24/20″ 25 Minute Time Cap Off Ramp […]
November 10, 2013
Congrats to Allen, Ryan, Kaitlyn, Paul, Alex, Kathryn and Elijah for a great showing at the Fittest Student of Sacramento competition held at CrossFit Envy. A big shout out to Kaitlyn and Alex for both taking first place! Way to bring it home for CrossFit Davis! We’re proud of all of you! WOD […]
November 9, 2013
WOD “Nancy” 5 rounds for time of 400M Run15 Overhead Squats 95/65lbs Off Ramp WOD 5 rounds for time of 400M Run15 Air Squats(To Target) or Overhead Squats with PVC First master the bodyweight squat. If you’re moving well then work on the mechanics of the Overhead Squat with PVC. If your form is solid, […]
November 8, 2013
Happy Friday Everyone!! If you’re not busy tomorrow come on out to CrossFit Envy to cheer on our CFD’ers that are competing in the Fittest College Student Competition! Coach Alex, Ryan, Kaitlyn, Paul, Kathryn and Allen are all competing! (Did I miss anybody??) Should be a fun day! Hope to see some of you there! […]
November 7, 2013
Skill 3 x through each 1 Minute Handstand Hold1 Minute Plank Hold1 Minute L-Sit Rest as needed Talk to your coach about scaling each movement up or down! If handstand holds against the wall are not challenging maybe it’s time to start working on your freestanding handstand! WOD AMRAP in 12 Minutes 15 Kettlebell Swings […]
November 6, 2013
Strength 3×1 Jerk ~ 85% Work up to 85% of your 1RM and make 3 lifts at that weight. Continue on to a 1RM attempt if you have time and energy. New lifters should work up to a moderately challenging weight making 3 lifts at each increment. Worry about technique now, PR’s later. […]