Wednesday, February 6th
Strength Working from the floor EMOM 3 Front squats ~ 80% of your 1 RM Power Clean WOD 1 AMRAP 5 Min 10 Dumbell Thrusters10 Toes To Bar Rest and regroup WOD 2 AMRAP 5 Min 12 Kettlebell Snatch 24/16kg6 Pistols
Tuesday, February 5th
Hey All! It’s Tuesday! Remember that our 5:30 class is dedicated to Olympic Lifting. Regular CrossFit Classes are at 4:45 or 6:30! Evening classes have been super full lately! We love having all of you in the gym and we want to thank you all for being patient with us while we work on making changes […]
Monday, February 4th
Strength Deadlift 5×1 WOD Tabata Wall Ball REST 1 MIN Tabata Burpee Bottoms REST 1 MIN Tabata Row Calories REST 1MIN Tabata Barrier jump REST 1MIN Tabata KB Swings Score is lowest number for each event.
Sunday, February 3rd
It’s SUPERBOWL SUNDAY!! We came up with a little something for you to do before you spend the day watching the game and probably eating too much:) Have fun! WOD 49 Burpees49 Squats 45/35lbs49 DU’s49 Power Cleans 45/35lbs (bar must pass below knees)49 Situps49 Snatches 45/35lbs (bar must pass below knees)49 Push Ups
Saturday, February 2nd
Skill 3×3 Skin The Cat or 3×5 Strictest Knees To Elbows3×5 Barbell Roll Out. WOD Pick two plates and get to know them very well, you’ll hang on to them for all of the movements in the WOD today! 200M Pinch Plate 25/15lbs (each hand)30 Squats 50/30lbs (hold the plates anyway you want)25M OH Lunge […]
Friday, February 1st
Skill Working from the floor: EMOM for 10 minutes 3 OHS @ 70 ~ 80% of 1RM Snatch WOD 3 Rounds for time of 18 Wall ball 20/14lbs12 Box Jumps 24/20″6 CTB Pull-Ups
Thursday, January 31st
Remember we have a 4:45 class available every Tuesday and Thursday. We hope to see some of you there today! Strength Push Press 5×2 WOD AMRAP in 5 minutes 3 Deadlifts 315/205lbs (or 80% of your 1 RM)6 Clapping Pushups REST 1 minute then AMRAP in 2 minutesLunge Jumps REST 1 minute then AMRAP in 2 […]
Wednesday, January 30th
A few announcements: We have had some huge classes lately! This is super exciting, but we know that at times it can feel crowded. Please know that we are working on a long term solution to better accomodate our growing CFD family! We appreciate your patience and willingness to share bars/platforms/space etc. Keep showing up […]
Tuesday, January 29th
Hey guys! It’s Tuesday again! That means that the 5:30 pm class is dedicated to Olympic Lifting! If that’s not what you’re looking for, come in at 4:45 or 6:30 for regular classes! THE OPENS ARE COMING!!! If you’re not sure what this means, let me explain. The Opens are an online CrossFit competition that […]
Monday, January 28th
Strength 1RM Squat Clean WOD 4 Rounds of each set. 45 Seconds ON, 15 Seconds REST of Wall BallBurpeesBox JumpKnees To Elbows (Rings or Bar) Score is your total reps.