April 17, 2024

10 sets of 3 strict pull ups (banded, unassisted, or weighted)

Rest about a minute between sets.

Increase the weight by 2.5-10 pounds from two weeks ago. Consider adding weight even if you’re still working on banded pull ups to help bridge the gap between bands.

Workout of the Day
3 rounds for time:
20 kettlebell swings
20 goblet lunges
400 meter run

16 minute time cap

Use a light and manageable kettlebell weight; we’ve had some pretty intense skill pieces and workouts over the last couple of days, so give yourself a chance to cruise through at a submaximal load and steady pace today. If you’re feeling fresh and looking to push hard, then bump the weight up, complete the swings and lunges without setting the kettlebell down, and run fast.

standard: 16/12
rx: 24/16 kg
sport: 28/20 kg
metcon: 3×3:30 on, 0:30 off

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