April 24, 2014


EMOM for 10  Minutes

Max Effort set of Kipping Knees-To-Elbows

If you’ve been performing Toes-To-Bar for a while test out this essential CrossFit movement.  You should be able to hit a higher number than you would with TTB.  If you are still working on TTB, consider KTE the first part of the movement.  In an efficient TTB you are bringing your knees to your chest and then extending the knees to touch the bar with your feet.  This is also a great time to practice the kipping swing. Focus on closing the shoulder and bringing the knees up when your body is behind the pull-up bar. If you begin to tear or are working on strength do some kind of sit-up or keep the movement strict!


20 Power Cleans 135/95lbs
50 Double Unders
30 Push Jerks 135/95lbs
50 Double Unders
20 Power Cleans 135/95lbs

Most of us are going to have to break up the Push Jerks in some way but keep the weight light enough so that you can perform decent sized sets.  Whatever you do avoid hanging on to the bar so long that you hit failure!

Off Ramp WOD

2 Rounds for time

10 Power Cleans
50 Single Unders with 1 Double Under attempt every 25 reps
10 Push Jerks
50 Single Unders with 1 Double Under attempt every 25 reps
10 Power Cleans


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