April 25, 2024

Every 2 minutes for 5 rounds:
12/8 calories
3 power snatches

Today’s skill is the snatch version of Tuesday’s, and the evolution of last week’s work. Push the pace on the machine, but save just enough energy to quickly get on the barbell and knock out 3 consistent and precise reps with minimal time between them. Keep the weight light enough that you don’t slow down or struggle to maintain form. The calories plus the power snatches should take about a minute max each round.

Workout of the Day
AMRAP in 12 minutes:
12 box jumps
10 deadlifts
8 pull ups (strict or kipping)

Your deadlift weight should be very light today; all ten reps should be easily done unbroken every round. Scale the pull ups to a difficulty at which you can always jump up for a quick set of 2 or 3. Banded pull ups or ring rows are great options. Try to keep a steady pace across all three movements, and dial back the intensity if you need a break after the skill work.

standard: 95/65 pound bar, 20/12 inch box
rx: 135/95 pound bar, 24/20 inch box
sport: 155/105 pound bar, 24/20 inch box, chest to bar pull ups
metcon: 4×2:20 on, 0:40 off

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