April 26, 2020

Sunday Super Zoom

For time:

100 sumo deadlift high pulls OR 100 pull-ups (strict or kipping)
100 push-ups
100 plank drags OR shoulder taps
100 goblet squats OR air squats

Workout Notes

Get ready for a solid Sunday pump! We have a chipper style workout today with one-hundred reps of each movement. Start with a pull: use your dumbbell or kettlebell to complete one-hundred sumo deadlift high pulls. Keep a sturdy wide stance and try to keep your chest tall throughout the movement. Pull your piece of equipment up to your collar while keeping your elbows high. If you have access to a pull up bar, feel free to substitute for kipping or strict pull-ups. Next move on to one-hundred push-ups. Push-ups from your toes, knees, or with elevated hands are all acceptable. You’re halfway there, move quickly through the plank drags or shoulder taps. Widen your stance out slightly to improve you stability as you shift your weight back and forth on whichever movement you choose. Finally, rip through one-hundred goblet squats or air squats. You haven’t used your legs yet, so empty the tank and knock out large sets if possible. Give yourself about five to eight minutes per movement. Remember that you can adjust the entire rep scheme or even just the reps of one movement if you are concerned about the volume. See you all at 9am!

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