April 27, 2020

At Home Workout

AMRAP 25 minutes

200m run
15 snatches
10 burpee box-jumps

Workout Description

We have a longer triplet today. Start each round with a two-hundred meter run. Next, move on to fifteen snatches. If you are using a dumbbell, touch both ends of that dumbbell to the floor and alternate sides every rep. If you only have a kettlebell, it might be a little easier to do multiple reps in a row on the same arm. Additionally, a kettlebell swing would also be a good substitution in place of the snatches. Finally finish each round with ten burpee-box jumps. Feel free to step back and step up on that burpee, take off with two feet, and land softly on the box in a partial squat. Use a stair, sturdy chair, or bench if you do not have a box. A burpee broad jump would be a great substitution if you do not have anything to jump up onto. Move at a pace you can maintain for twenty-five minutes and use the two-hundred meter run strategically. Recover on the first part of the run, but try to push the pace as you work your way back in each round. Let your coach know if you have any questions or need further alterations to this workout!

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