April 29, 2020

At Home Wod

For time:

hang cleans

Workout Notes

What a beautiful looking workout: a stunning rep scheme, ascending and descending rep counts, push and pull movements…the list goes on and on! Don’t be blinded by her beauty though because she has a cold heart and will leave you in a puddle of sweat wondering what the heck just happened. Every round will have twenty-four reps. Thrusters will decrease by three, and hang cleans will increase by three as you progress through each subsequent round. For example, that first round will start with twenty-one thrusters, then three hang cleans before moving back to the set of eighteen thrusters. Ideally you will be moving quickly, taking no more than three or four sets to finish any round. Be sure to hit full depth on the squat portion of your thruster and lock out fully at the top with your barbell/kettlebell/dumbbell. Remember to start with a deadlift every time you pick up your equipment for a set of hang cleans and to stand all the way up in the catch. Practice a strong front rack position with your elbow(s) forward. Have fun!

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