April 8, 2024

Front squat
3 sets of 8 reps

Target ~65-70%, or up 5-10 pounds from last week.

Take about 3 minutes of rest between your sets; if your rest is much shorter, you might not fully recover, and if it’s much longer you might cool down. If you’re new to these higher volume sets, start light and play it by ear.

Workout of the Day
AMRAP in 10 minutes:
10 pull ups (strict or kipping)
8 power cleans
6 push jerks

Use a relatively challenging weight on the power cleans and push jerks; you should be able to hit the push jerks in one or two quick sets, but that should be tough. Steady singles on the power cleans is a great cadence. Save the last power clean to get the bar to your shoulders for the push jerks. Scale the pull ups to a difficulty at which you can always do 2 or 3 in a set.

standard: 95/65
rx: 135/95
sport: 155/105, chest to bar pull ups
metcon: 4×2:00 on, 0:30 off

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