August 13, 2015


EMOM for 10 Minutes
1 Power Clean + 1 Split Jerk

Today’s skill work is a clean and split jerk.  For most athletes the focus will be on the split jerk itself but don’t forget about the power clean. Make sure you are still dropping into a partial squat with your feet setup just outside of your hips. You should be able to drop into a squat if you wanted to.  For the jerk focus on a short and controlled dip followed by a powerful driving motion.  If you are new to the lift keep the load like and work on technique.  Experienced athletes can think about a weight in the 70+% range.


4 Rounds with 1 minute on each station

Chest To Bar Pull-Ups
Rowing for Calories

Workout notes: This workout will be scored “Fight Gone Bad” style by counting your total repetitions through the entire workout.  The total workout time will take 15 minutes so be sure to conserve energy early and try not to go to failure in any movement. Remember that Kipping Chest-To-Bar pull-ups require a great deal of strength and skill so scale them to pull-ups or ring rows if needed.

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