August 8, 2015


AMRAP in 20 Minutes
3 Heavy Squat Cleans
Shuttle Sprint (5-10-15M)
Rest 60 Seconds

Workout Notes: For this workout the recommendation is to go with a heavier squat clean weight than what you would normally do in lighter weight metcon.  Work up to a weight that is challenging but one that you can complete each rep with precise technique.  For every rep your knees should be tracking over your feet and your elbows should be pointing straight out through the entire range of motion in the squat.  If you are new to the movement practice catching each rep as far into your squat as you can and ride the barbell down to the bottom of the squat.  After your third clean complete 5,10 and 15 meter shuttle sprints for a total of 60 meters and then rest 60 seconds before starting your next round.

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