Author: Matt Pedri

  • Wednesday, January 30th

    A few announcements: We have had some huge classes lately! This is super exciting, but we know that at times it can feel crowded. Please know that we are working on a long term solution to better accomodate our growing CFD family! We appreciate your patience and willingness to share bars/platforms/space etc. Keep showing up […]

  • Tuesday, January 29th

    Hey guys! It’s Tuesday again! That means that the 5:30 pm class is dedicated to Olympic Lifting! If that’s not what you’re looking for, come in at 4:45 or 6:30 for regular classes!  THE OPENS ARE COMING!!!  If you’re not sure what this means, let me explain. The Opens are an online CrossFit competition that […]

  • Monday, January 28th

    Strength 1RM Squat Clean WOD 4 Rounds of each set. 45 Seconds ON, 15 Seconds REST of Wall BallBurpeesBox JumpKnees To Elbows (Rings or Bar) Score is your total reps.

  • Sunday, January 27th

    Sunday, January 27th

    Congrats to everyone who competed at the SacTown Throwdown yesterday!! Mike, Ryan, Kaitlyn and Marissa rocked it in the Novice division, Nancy, Erica, Terry and Steve (our friend from CrossFit Solano) did an amazing job in the Masters division and Corey, Sophie, Drew and Kirsten represented CFD for the Open division. Just as important as […]

  • January 26th 2013

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRACE!!! It’s our very own Grace’s birthday today! So at her request today’s WOD will be…GRACE! This is a great WOD, have fun and set a new PR! You can also thank Grace for requesting that there be NO BURPEES in the warm up on her birthday!  Before we get to the WOD though, […]

  • Friday January 25th

    Happy Friday!  Tomorrow is the SacTown Throwdown!! If you haven’t already gotten your tickets you can get them here:  We will have a few tents and a place to hang out between WOD’s, come cheer on our teams!! The Heat Schedule for the weekend is here:  We have 3 teams competing so we will need […]

  • Thursday, January 24th

    Skill/Strength EMOM for 12 Hang Squat Snatch Then Squat Snatch from the floor.  WOD 5 Rounds for time of 10 Thrusters 95/65lbs20 Kettlebell Swings 24/20kg30 DU’s

  • Wednesday, January 23rd

    Skill/Strength Accumulate 1MIN of Handstand, L-Sit, Hollow Rock3×5 False Grip Ring Rows3×5 Barbell Roll Out3×10 GHD Back Extension WOD 30 Situps then —————4 rounds each for time of  400m Run 20 Box Jump 24/20″20 Squats(Rest enough to achieve the same 400m time on each run)  then finish with ————–30 Situps    

  • Tuesday, January 22nd

    StrengthBack Squat 5×3 WOD10-9-8-7-6-5-4-2-1 reps, for time of: Dumbbell Push Press, 40/30 lbs Weighted Step-ups, 40/30 lbs, 24/20 in

  • MLK Day

    Normal Hours on MONDAY!!!  Don’t forget to get your tickets for the SacTown Throwdown this weekend! We are sending 3 teams and would love to have you all out to spectate and cheer everyone on! East Sac always puts on a great event and we will have a few tents, chairs etc. for everyone to […]