Author: Matt Pedri

  • Thursday, January 24th

    Skill/Strength EMOM for 12 Hang Squat Snatch Then Squat Snatch from the floor.  WOD 5 Rounds for time of 10 Thrusters 95/65lbs20 Kettlebell Swings 24/20kg30 DU’s

  • Wednesday, January 23rd

    Skill/Strength Accumulate 1MIN of Handstand, L-Sit, Hollow Rock3×5 False Grip Ring Rows3×5 Barbell Roll Out3×10 GHD Back Extension WOD 30 Situps then —————4 rounds each for time of  400m Run 20 Box Jump 24/20″20 Squats(Rest enough to achieve the same 400m time on each run)  then finish with ————–30 Situps    

  • Tuesday, January 22nd

    StrengthBack Squat 5×3 WOD10-9-8-7-6-5-4-2-1 reps, for time of: Dumbbell Push Press, 40/30 lbs Weighted Step-ups, 40/30 lbs, 24/20 in

  • MLK Day

    Normal Hours on MONDAY!!!  Don’t forget to get your tickets for the SacTown Throwdown this weekend! We are sending 3 teams and would love to have you all out to spectate and cheer everyone on! East Sac always puts on a great event and we will have a few tents, chairs etc. for everyone to […]

  • Sunday, January 20th

    Sunday, January 20th

    Congrats to Greg and Nancy for getting through day one of the Norcal Masters competition.  Nancy is currently in 6th place and Greg is in 12th.   Skill  Tabata ? WOD Since Nancy is kickin’ butt at the Masters event in Richmond today we figured it would be a perfect day for: “Nancy”! 5 rounds […]

  • Saturday, January 19th

    StrengthEMOM For 10 Min – Even Minutes: 3 Deadlifts @ 65~75% of 1RM – Odd Minutes: 8 Burpees WODAMRAP 10 Min 6 Pistols (3 ea Leg)9 Hang Cleans 95/65#12 See the Lights Situps 25/15#

  • Friday, January 18th

    It’s Friday!  There’s some fun stuff coming up over the next few weekends! This Saturday and Sunday Greg and Nancy will be competing at the NorCal Masters competition in Richmond!   Tickets can be purchased here: Next weekend is the SacTown Throwdown! Come out and cheer on our teams! This event is always a […]

  • Thursday, January 17th

    Happy Thursday CFD’ers!  We want your input! Make sure to mark the whiteboard at the gym for new class times you’d like to see at CFD! Strength5×3 Front Squat WOD5 Rounds for time of 21 Barbell Squat Jumps 45/3512 Kettlebell Swings 24/16  

  • Wednesday, January 16th

    Strength Max Effort Clean and Jerk WOD For time: 100 Double Unders 40 Burpees 30 Pull-ups 20 Weighted lunges. 10 HSPU or Handstand Kick Ups if you don’t have HSPU (show control on the wall to complete each rep)  

  • Tuesday, January 15th

    Hey all! It’s Tuesday! That means the 5:30 Class is dedicated to Olympic Lifting. If you normally attend the 5:30 class and are not interested in working on the Snatch or Clean and Jerk come to the 4:45 class or the regular 6:30! Those of you coming to the class at 4:45 should be able […]