February 10, 2016


EMOM for 6 Minutes
[odd] Single Unders
[even] Double Unders

Use this time to practice a movement that is always difficult for beginning CrossFitters.  Start by performing a minute of single unders then practice only double unders in even minute.  Advanced athletes might be able to work continuously for all six minutes but most of us will need to take some rest as we get into the double unders. If you need to perform alternating single and double under during the double under round that is okay but just count your double unders for those rounds!


AMRAP in 10 Minutes

5 Front Squat 155/105 lb
10 Push-Up

Workout notes: This couplet has two movements that compliment each other in that they alternate between legs and arms as the primary movers.  With both movements focus on keeping your midline static so you don’t lose stability.  When you squat remember to keep your chest and elbows up and focus on keeping your back in a good position throughout the workout.  We’re taking the front squat from the floor so you can squat clean your first repetition. For the push-up remember to keep your midline locked as well! If you can not do push-ups without losing your midline the perform reps from your knees or just slow down and let your arms recover!

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