July 30, 2016


AMRAP in 20 Minutes

10 Overhead Squat 115/75 lb
200M Run

Workout notes: This is not your normal “Nancy”! In this version we’re suggesting increasing the load versus the famous HQ original but decreasing the reps in each round.  The 200M run will feel a little bit more like a recovery run but if you have the OHS completed in 1-2 sets you will spend a lot of time there so push the pace!  Spend some time figuring out what load to work with during the workout.  You may squat snatch the first rep but power snatch is fine too if it helps you get setup and into a good position in the bottom of your squat.  Use a weight that allows you to move in a mechanically appropriate way rather than move more weight poorly!  If the OHS isn’t happening today scale to a front squat but work on that mobility.

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