June 10, 2017


For time
50 Toes to Bar
1,000M Run
40 Deadlifts 185/135lb
1,000M Run
30 Power Cleans 185/135lb

Workout Notes: Today’s workout follows a chipper format.  The twist is that you will run twice to break up each movement. the 1,000M course is out the roll up doors down to Cantrill and back.  Make sure to run on the sidewalk and watch for cars as you are passing driveways. You will start the workout with a high volume of toes-to-bar.  If you are unable to get your toes to the bar while keeping the rhythm of your kip, lower your target so that you are able to work on the skill of linking your reps rather than slower reps just to get your toes to the bar. 50 is also a large number of this difficult skill, a suggested scaling option would be to drop the number to 30 from 50 if that makes sense for you and your current skill level.  Never be afraid to scale if you are not ready to jump into a large set like this! Your deadlift weight and power clean weight will be the same for this workout. Do not go heavier on the deadlift and then remove weight to be able to power clean the bar.  Your weight will be decided by the power clean.  Choose a weight that is challenging for you and plan to do mostly singles for these 30 reps.  If you are repping out sets of 5 or more during the power cleans you may have gone too light.  The deadlift will end up being on the lighter side but over 40 reps they will get tough! Spend some time deciding what weight to use for this workout and do multiple reps of each movement before the workout starts so that you don’t have to make any adjustments as you go.  If class sizes are large this workout can be done in waves to allow for enough space on the bars.

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