March 12, 2015


Tabata Push-Ups

The Tabata interval is 8 rounds of 2o seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest.  For this workout you want to complete as many reps as possible in 20 seconds but your score is your lowest number in any round. Try to sustain your work for each round.  If you are scaling review a strict push-up and do your best to chose a method that keeps you working on developing strength.


For Time
21 Power Clean 135/95lb
21 Lateral Burpee Over The Bar
400M Run
15 Power Clean 135/95lb
15 Lateral Burpee Over The Bar
400M Run
9 Power Clean 135/95lb
9 Lateral Burpee Over The Bar

Workout notes: Be sure to break up your power cleans into small sets or perform them one rep at a time with sufficient rest to keep moving at a sustainable pace.  Jumping over the bar will be the most difficult style of burpee you can perform and will give you the best workout. If you decide to go with that method commit to it and make sure that you can safely make every jump by giving yourself additional rest if need.

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