March 13, 2024

AMRAP in 8 minutes:
4 strict toes to bar
4 kipping toes to bar
20 seconds of handstand practice

Scale the range of motion on both the strict and the kipping toes to bar so that you’re able to complete all 8 reps of the sequence without dropping down. Try not to let your body move past a hollow position as you lower down on the strict reps. Any handstand drills are fair game for the handstand practice, but wall walks or kick-ups against the wall are a great place to start if you’re new to the movement.

Workout of the Day
5 rounds:
40 seconds of push ups
20 seconds of rest
40 seconds of front squats
20 seconds of rest
40 seconds of power cleans
20 seconds of rest

Happy Birthday, Sofi! This workout has a few of her favorite movements in it. Got a birthday coming up? Email Alex at [email protected] to make a request!

Choose a barbell weight at which you’re able to hit sets of 5-10 reps on the front squats; the power cleans will likely be less of a limiting factor. Challenge yourself on the push ups by choosing a slightly tougher scaling option than you would if you were on the movement for longer. Hit this at a steady pace! 40 seconds is a short work interval, but 20 seconds is an even shorter rest interval.

standard: 95/65
rx: 115/85
sport: 135/95
metcon: 15×0:40 on, 0:20 off

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