March 18, 2024

Front Squat:
4 sets of 6 reps

Target ~70-75%

You’ll be shifting to more reps per set on the front squats this week; use the 5×5 squat sets that we’ve done in the past couple of weeks as a reference. You should be able to make it through all 4 sets of 6 without losing excellent positioning, but it is ok if the reps slow down and get very tough by the end of each set.

Workout of the Day
4 rounds, 1 minute on each station:
Sandbag cleans
Toes to bar

The sandbag clean is a slow movement relative to the toes to bar and calories, but try to still put in a strong effort there. Scale the toes to bar to a range of motion at which you’re able to hit quick sets of 3-5 reps. Push the pace on the calories!

standard: 70/45
rx: 100/70
sport: 150/100
metcon: 4×3:00 on, 1:00 off

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