March 21, 2024

EMOM for 10 minutes:
2 squat snatches

Practicing catching in the bottom of your overhead squat today, even if you aren’t able to get all the way down because of flexibility restrictions. Focus on hitting a locked out overhead position right as you hit the bottom of your squat, so that there’s no pressout of the barbell lagging behind the speed of your drop underneath it.

Workout of the Day
AMRAP in 15 minutes:
20 push ups
20 kettlebell swings
200 meter run

The push ups in this workout will likely feel like a high relative volume compared to the other movements; scale them to a difficulty at which you’re able to maintain sets of at least 5 for the majority of the workout. Choose a swing weight that you’re confident on, and try to keep a steady pace on the run. As the weather warms up, we’ll start getting out on runs more often during the weekday workouts.

standard: 16/12 kg
rx: 28/20 kg
sport: 32/24 kg
metcon: 5×2:00 on, 1:00 off

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