March 27, 2024

10 minutes of handstand practice

Take 10 minutes to work on handstand skills at your own pace. Check in with your coach if you aren’t sure where to start, or if you’re shooting for a new skill that you haven’t tackled yet. Below is a list of handstand skills in roughly ascending order of difficulty. Stay safe and have fun!

plank hold
down dog
box shoulder stand
wall walk (low)
wall walk (high)
handstand kick up against wall
crow stand
freestanding handstand kick up to pirouette
freestanding handstand kick up to hold
handstand walk
handstand obstacle practice (stairs, ramp, slalom, etc)

Workout of the Day
5 rounds:
45 seconds of ring dips
15 seconds of rest
45 seconds of deadlifts
15 seconds of rest
45 seconds of box jumps
15 seconds of rest

Choose a relatively light deadlift weight, especially compared to last week’s; you should be able to maintain quick sets of 5-10 reps with no problem. Scale the ring dips by either using a band or keeping your feet on the ground. Pace each effort conservatively, keeping in mind that this interval structure will feel like a straight AMRAP given how short the rest/transition time is.

standard: 95/65 pound bar, 20/12 inch box
rx: 155/105 pound bar, 24/20 inch box
sport: 185/135 pound bar, 24/20 inch box
metcon: 15×0:45 on, 0:15 off

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