March 30, 2017


EMOM for 10 minutes
Straight Set or :30 seconds of Knees to Elbows

Today we are working on a different skill that will feel similar to toes to bar.  The mechanics will be very much the same, but rather than sending your toes to the bar you will want to bend your knees and elbows as your body moves behind the bar so that the two make contact.  Actually touching your knees to your elbows can be very difficult so if you’re not quite there yet work on getting your knees as close to your elbows as possible with every rep.  You can choose to do one set or a few small sets but don’t work for more than 30 seconds each round.


5 rounds for time
21 Wall Ball Shots 20/14lb to 10/9′
7 Burpees

Workout Notes: Today’s workout is a classic couplet.  The rep numbers are fairly low for both movements so try to focus on quick breaks and fast transitions.  Make sure to maintain full range of motion during your wall ball reps throughout the workout.  For the burpees, chest and thighs will touch the ground then jump and reach or clap overhead to complete the rep. Have fun and go for it!

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