May 12, 2020

At Home WOD

12 rounds of 60 seconds on/30 seconds off

12 step-ups
max hang squat clean thrusters

Workout Notes:

Our workout today is twelve quick sprints with limited rest. In each round, you will spend one minute completing twelve step-ups and then as many hang squat clean thrusters as possible. Choose something sturdy to step up on to. Start with both feet flat on the ground. Finish each rep by standing tall on your box/stair/chair/couch/nightstand/bench/coffee table/truck bed/above-ground hot tub/etc. Once you complete your twelve step ups, move over to your piece of equipment for the hang squat clean thrusters. Each hang squat clean thruster will start with a deadlift. From there, bend at the knees, bow at the hips, and drive your equipment upwards. Finish each clean in a full squat. As you come out of your squat, press that barbell overhead to complete the thruster. Bring your piece of equipment back down to the hang and repeat. Make sure to choose a manageable weight that you can move quickly. Also consider giving yourself a time cap for the step ups. Ideally twelve step-ups leaves you approximately thirty seconds or more each round for hang squat clean thrusters.

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