May 27, 2016

[creativ_alertbox icon=”” colour=”red” custom_colour=””]Please note we will be holding classes at 8:30AM and 9:30AM only this coming memorial day! [/creativ_alertbox]


EMOM for 10 Minutes
2 Power Snatch

Perform two power snatches every minute for a total of 10 rounds. The weight you choose should be in the  moderate effort range but consider this as primarily skill work.  An appropriate weight would likely be 65-70% or less for newer lifters. Consider starting with a weight you are very familiar with and increasing by small increments if  the lifts are going well.  The pace will be fairly rapid if you are lifting every minute so for that reason go a little lighter than you might with more resting time in between sets.


3 Rounds for time
400M Run
20 Hang Power Snatch 75/55 lb

Workout notes: This workout calls for 3 sets of 20 snatches from the HANG.  The load for this workout should be MUCH lighter than what you were working with during the skill work.  With a high rep workout like this we’re looking for a fairly light load on the bar below the 50% range or your 1RM.  Working with a light weight like a muscle or power snatch would be acceptable.  If you are working with a weight so heavy that you have to drop under the bar into a squat snatch, you may have gone too heavy.

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