May 6, 2020

At Home Wod

For time:

100 mountain climbers
100 V-ups
100 mountain climbers
100 plank drags
100 mountain climbers

Workout Notes

We would like to wish a happy 100th birthday to Betty Anderson, better know as Grandma Betty! A mainstay on the old Crossfit Instagram page, today’s workout is dedicated to her. Wear your “Grandma Betty” shirts and tank tops if you have one! Third guest programmer, and creator of today’s workout is Jakob Loke. You can find Jakob coaching the noon and afternoon classes, a former hockey player, nearly all of his teeth have been knocked out, he loves overhead squats and pistols (outstanding mobility), and it’s rumored he keeps a TI-83 calculator on him at all times in case of emergency. He’s your guy to complain to today if you have a problem with the workout. Naturally, each movement will have one-hundred reps. If you are worried about the rep scheme, consider seventy-five of each movement. Start the workout with your first set of mountain climbers and move directly into V-ups. A great scaling option for the V-up is a tuck-up. Next is another set of mountain climbers followed by plank drags or shoulder taps. Finish the workout with your last set of mountain climbers. The mountain climbers shouldn’t take very long, giving you an opportunity to challenge yourself with the V-ups and plank drags. Emphasize getting your shoulders off of the ground on the V-ups and keeping your hips level on the plank drags. Let your coaches know if you have any questions!

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