September 20, 2017

Our very own member Ryan is putting on the Fall Music Fest that will benefit Davis Schools! Come hang out, listen to music, eat, drink and support our kids! Friday September 29th – 5:30-8:30pm at the Davis Art Center outdoor stage. Tickets can be purchased at #davisschoolsfoundation #davisca #supportthekids #dontmissout #crossfitdavis #teamCFD #getyourtickets

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EMOM for 10 Minutes
1 Snatch + 2 Overhead Squats

Today our skill work is the squat snatch plus overhead squat.  The overhead squat is probably the most difficult barbell movement you will encounter. The lift requires good mobility, coordination and strength.  We’ll be working from the floor so new lifters should power snatch the bar and attempt to catch the bar in a partial squat before riding the bar down into the bottom of the first overhead squat. If you prefer and as you gain proficiency in the overhead squat you can attempt to receive the bar in the bottom of your squat for a full squat snatch followed up by 2 additional overhead squats. If mobility is an issue for you perform 3 power snatches for today.


for time


Alternating dumbbell snatch 50/35 lb
Box Jump 24/20 ”

Workout notes: Today we have a couplet that falls into the sprint category! Snatches can be TnG and feel free to start every round with your dominant arm which will slightly distribute the work unevenly but potentially give you the opportunity to go faster through each round with a little better control. Scale the box jump to a height you can safely jump up to and step or jump down.  If you are attempting to “pogo”, try resting momentarily on TOP of the box and working on a sustainable cadence in each round.



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