August 15, 2017
#grandmabetty shirts are in! Pick one up at the gym or order online and show your love for everyone’s favorite 97 year old! Link in bio! #crossfitdavis #grandmabetty #newswag #cfd #fitat96 #fitterat97 A post shared by CrossFit Davis (@crossfitdavis) on Aug 14, 2017 at 4:44pm PDT Skill EMOM for 10 Minutes Straight set of Chest […]
August 14, 2017
Skill EMOM for 10 Minutes 30 Seconds of double unders Here we have another opportunity to work on the difficult double under! If you do not have the movement yet spend 30 seconds of every minute trying to establish a straight of double unders. This might mean performing a few singles and then introducing a […]
August 13, 2017
WOD “Angie” For time 100 Pull-ups 100 Push-ups 100 Sit-ups 100 Squats Workout notes: This workout is a classic CrossFit “girls” chipper. We start with what is for most people the more difficult movement, pull-ups, and complete all 100 reps before moving on to the next hardest movement and so on. The total number will be […]
Competition – 08/14/17
Monday – 8/14/2017 Skill EMOM for 10 Minutes 30 Seconds of triple unders Gymnastics 18x40s Straight set of Kipping muscle ups Strength 3x 10 Back Squat ~ increasing from 8/7 Metcon 6 Rounds for time 12 Box jumps 30/24″ 8 Kettlebell Snatch 32/24 kg 6 Alternating Weighted Pistols 32/24 kg” Accessory EMOM for 20 Minutes […]
August 12, 2017
WOD AMRAP in 25 Minutes 5 Squat Snatch 135/95 lb 50 Double Unders 500M Run * *The 500M Run is out the back door and all the way around the complex without performing a turn around at our usual 400M turnaround point. Workout: Today’s workout may seem simple but we feature a high level of skills […]
August 11, 2017
Skill Deadlift 2-2-2-2-2 Today we are working with some heavy deadlifts. This doesn’t necessarily mean you go up to max effort or a new 2RM, but work up in weight as you feel comfortable. You can choose to go with one weight for 5 sets of 2 or you can add weight every set and […]
August 10, 2017
Skill 6×3 Hollow Body Strict Pull-Up Today we’re upping the ante with the strict pull-up and giving strict hollow body pull-ups a try. Do your best to hold a tight hollow body position throughout the entire pull-up. If 3 is too many you can complete 6 sets of 1 or 2. If you do not have […]
August 9, 2017
Skill EMOM for 10 Minutes 1 Power Clean + Front Squat + Jerk Today’s skill work is a barbell complex of a power clean, a front squat and a jerk. Start with a weight that is a little heavier than you might use in a workout, but make sure you are catching the bar in […]
August 8, 2017
Skill EMOM for 10 Minutes Straight Set of Kipping Toes To Bar Use this time to practice your kipping swing and toe-to-bar with a kip. If you are new to the movement start by alternating between the hollow and arch position on the bar and follow that by pulling the knees in and up to […]
August 7, 2017
Skill EMOM for 10 Minutes 3 Thrusters This skill work is a warm up for our metcon and also technique review for a unique and difficult movement. The thruster is a combination of a front squat and push press. For most athletes the difficulty will come in incorporating the push press after the front squat. […]