August 6, 2017
WOD Tabata Row 1 minute rest Tabata Double Under 1 minute rest Tabata Push-up 1 minute rest Tabata Sit-ups 1 minute rest Tabata Kettlebell Swing Workout notes: This workout is scored using the traditional scoring for the Tabata interval. Score each movement by your lowest number of repetitions in any round. Your total score at the […]
Competition 8-7-17
Monday – 08/07/17 Skill EMOM for 10 Minutes 3 Thrusters Strength 3x 10 Back Squat ~ increasing from 7/31 Metcon With a clock set for 12 Minutes 1 Minutes of burpees to a plate 45/25 lb 1 Minutes of wall ball shots 20/14 lb 2 Minutes of burpees to a plate 45/25 lb 2 […]
August 5, 2017
Twinning today at the @crossfitgames! ✌????days down, ✌????to go! Thanks for all the support and cheers from Davis! We love you guys! #crossfitgames #crossfitdavis #crossfit #madisonwisconsin A post shared by CrossFit Davis (@crossfitdavis) on Aug 4, 2017 at 9:10pm PDT WOD for time * 1 mile run then 5 Rounds of 10 Toes To Bar […]
August 4, 2017
Skill 3×5 Front Squat Today we’re working up to a strong effort 5 rep front squat. With the front squat we want to focus on keeping the elbows up and chest as upright as possible. As with any kind of squatting you’ll want to practice keeping your knees out and tracking over your feet. Remember […]
August 3, 2017
We’re SO sad that Coach Oscar is leaving! Help us wish him good luck and safe travels on Thursday at 6:30pm at The Davis Graduate! The CrossFit Games will be streaming if there is an event that evening. Join us and bring your favorite Coach Oscar stories! #crossfitdavis #thegrad #dontgocoachO ???????????? A post shared by […]
August 2, 2017
Skill EMOM for 10 Minutes 2 Split Jerks Today’s technique work focuses on the Split Jerk. For this complex work with a weight light enough that you can clean it from the floor and catch it in a partial squat before you setup for your jerk sequence. You will need to manage bringing the […]
August 1, 2017
Skill 10×1 Wall walk This probably sounds simple but they are really hard! Take as much rest as needed between repetitions and focus on quality! Start on the ground and walk up the wall under control until your belly hits the wall and hold at the top for up to 5-10 seconds. Practice keeping a rigid […]
July 31, 2017
Skill EMOM for 10 Minutes 1 Squat Clean Today we’re going heavy and working up to a strong effort squat clean. If you are new to the lift start by catching the bar in the power position and slowly riding the bar down into the bottom of your squat. Start with your feet beneath your hips as […]
July 30, 2017
WOD Every 3 Minutes for 12, 21 or 30 Minutes * 10 Thrusters 95/65 lb 200M Run *complete each round for time Workout notes: For this workout you will have a choice for your total level of volume. Choose 4, 7 or 10 rounds of the thruster running couplet. Whatever level you choose make sure you […]
Competition 07-31-2017
Monday 7/31/2017 Skill EMOM for 10 Minutes 1 Squat clean Metcon for time 21-15-9 Kettlebell Swing 32/24 kg Box Jump 24/20″ Gymnastics 12x90s [odd] Row for calories [even] 60 seconds of Strict HSPU Strength 3x 10 Back Squat ~ increasing from 7/24 Accessory EMOM for 10 Minutes Straight set of Bar Muscle ups Tuesday – […]