October 26, 2013
Good luck to all those competing today at the Iron October event at CrossFit Iron Mile!. Go CFD!!! WOD Buy in 400M Medball and Kettlebell Carry (carry both items any way you like) then 4 Rounds 30 Wall Ball 20/14lbs25 Kettlebell Swings 24/16kg15 Toes To Bar Off Ramp WOD Buy in 400M Medball and Kettlebell Carry (carry […]
October 25, 2013
HAPPY BIRTHDAY COACH DREW!!!!!!!!! Make sure to wish Coach Drew a Happy Birthday today if you see him! Thank you for being the early bird that you are Drew! We know no one else could fill those shoes at 5 am! Since he already has a Rogue hatchet, we figured the next best things are Burpees […]
October 24, 2013
Strength Deadlift 3×2 ~ 90% Take the deadlift up for a heavy double using about 90% of your max and perform 3 sets. If you have time and energy continue on to a 1RM attempt. New lifters work up to a heavy max for the day. Do not compromise form just to lift a […]
October 23, 2013
Strength 8×3 Weighted Pull-Ups Try to add some weight from last time. If you are not quite ready for weighted pull-ups yet, do strict bodyweight pull-ups or use a band. WOD 3 Rounds for reps with 1 minute on each station Box Jump 24/20″Kettlebell Snatch 24/16kgWall Ball 20/14lbsRow For Calories Rest one minute between rounds. […]
October 22, 2013
Strength 1 RM Hang Power Clean If you are new to this lift work up to a heavy single for the day! It doesn’t need to be a max effort 1 RM lift, but try to get to a weight that challenges you. WOD 400 m Run then 5 rounds of5 Handstand Push-Ups10 Weighted Lunge […]
October 21, 2013
Strength Back Squat 3×2 ~ 90% Remember 90% is just a rough guideline. If you have seen this before try to add a few pounds. 90% should feel difficult but should have the same form as your lightest lift. Beginners new lifters should start light work up in sets of 2-5. Increase a few pounds […]
October 20, 2013
Skill Kipping Pull-Ups! Spend some working on your pull-up efficiency and style of Kip. You’ll need it for today’s workout! WOD For time 5 Rounds of 5 Pull-Ups10 Push-Ups15 Squats then 20 Snatches 135/95 then 5 Rounds of 5 Pull-Ups10 Push-Ups15 Squats 25 Minute Time Cap Off Ramp WOD For time 5 Rounds of […]
October 19, 2013
Skill 1-5 Rope Climbs Work on learning or perfecting your rope climbing technique. There are MANY ways to get up the rope with varying degrees of difficulty. Challenge yourself and be safe! WOD 10-1 Power Clean 115/75lb1-10 Push Press 115/75lb200M Run After Each Round Off Ramp Scale this workout by the amount of weight you are […]
October 18, 2013
Strength Split Jerk 3 ~ 75% Work up to around 75% of your 1RM and make 3 attempts at that weight. If you make all three attempts continue on to a 1RM attempt if you have time and energy. Beginners work up to a moderate weight for the day by starting light and increasing in […]
October 17, 2013
It’s double EMOM day! Strength E2MOM for 16 Minutes 3 Overhead Squats ~ 60-70% of your 1RM Snatch Work on catching the bar in a full squat on your first rep if you can. If you are new to the overhead squat do a power snatch and make an assessment of your start position before […]