Author: Matt Pedri

  • April 20, 2013

    Pull, Pull, Pull! Complete the following in any order: Row 1000M (For Time)Complete two Rope AscentsComplete 30 total Pull-Ups (any style) WOD “Picnic Day Pyramid” 10 Box Jumps 24/20″20 Kettlebell Swing 28/20kg200M Farmer Carry 28/20kg40 Box Jumps 200M Farmer Carry20 KBS 10 Box Jumps

  • April 19, 2013

    Strength Deadlift 5×5 WOD AMRAP in 10 Minutes of the following 10 Hang Power Cleans 135/95lbs200 Meter Run

  • April 18, 2013

    Strength 3RM Overhead Squat WOD 3 Rounds for time of 30 Burpees60 Double Unders

  • April 17, 2013

    Strength Use 10 Minutes to establish a new PR at an Unbroken DU Pyramid Increase each step of your last pyramid by 1-10 reps.  Ex 5-10-15-10-5  WOD 3 Rounds with 1 minute of work on each of the following 4 stations. Dumbbell Thrusters 40/30lbsPull-ups Kettlebell Swings 24/16kgPush-Ups 1 minute rest between each round.

  • April 16, 2013

    Strength EMOM for 10 Minutes Working from the floor do 3 unbroken Split Jerks WOD 3 Rounds for time of 20 Deadlift 185/135lbs20 2-Count Mountain Climbers 20 See the Lights Sit-ups (plate or dumbbell)

  • April 15, 2013

    Strength & Skill work. EMOM for 14 Minutes Odd 3 Power Clean ~ 50-60% of your 1RMEven Max set of unbroken Toes To Bar. Choose a weight and a rep scheme that you can sustain for 7 rounds of each.  If you’re still working on T2B go with Knee Tucks or Knees to Elbows. WOD […]

  • April 14, 2013

    Strength Tabata Hollow RockTabata Superman Hold WOD AMRAP in 15 Minutes of  400M Run15 Box Jumps 24/20″20 KB Sumo Deadlift High Pull 32/24kg

  • April 13, 2013

      Strength EMOM for 10 Minutes Sprint 100M WOD AMRAP 12 Minutes 12 Lunges10  Snatches 95/65lbs8 Knees-To-Elbows

  • April 12, 2013

    Tickets for Regionals will go on sale today!! They will be held from March 24-26th in Santa Rosa at Sonoma County Fairgrounds. Come cheer on Kirsten and watch Nor Cal’s top athletes compete!! Get your tickets soon if you are planning to attend as CrossFit events tend to be selling out faster and faster these […]

  • April 11, 2013

    Strength 1RM Squat Snatch WOD 5 Rounds For Time of 15 Kettlebell Swings 24/16kg25 Double Unders