Author: Matt Pedri

  • Thursday January 10th

    Nice work in the gym lately guys!! It’s so awesome to see so many of you showing up and working hard! You all keep us inspired and excited!  First things first: Run 1 mile! See what you can do! You might surprise yourself! THEN: 5 min AMRAP 6 Push Ups  12 Lunges 24 Double Unders […]

  • January 9, 2013

    We’re going to focus on skills and technique today in both the warm up and the strength portion of the day.  After your warm up: 1 min L-sit (or a scaled down version of this) 1 min hollow body hold 1 min plank hold (Rest 10 seconds between each exercise) THEN: Every Minute on the […]

  • Tuesday January 8th

    Hey all! It’s Tuesday! That means the 5:30 Class is dedicated to Olympic Lifting. If you normally attend the 5:30 class and are not interested in working on the Snatch or Clean and Jerk come to the 4:45 class or the regular 6:30! The WOD programmed for today is short so the 4:45 class will […]

  • January 7th, 2013

    Strength: Backsquat 5×5 Add 5 pounds from the last 5×5 set. WOD: 10 Push Press 135/95 15 Burpees Over Bar  20 Sit Ups 25 Mountain Climbers  20 Sit Ups 15 Burpees Over Bar 10 Push Press 135/95  

  • January 6th, 2013

    Happy Sunday! We’ll be working on refining our kipping swings during the warm up. This will prepare you for our Strength portion of the day: “Death by Pull Ups”  WOD: 10 Min AMRAP 10 KB Snatches  100M Sprint 

  • Saturday January 5th

    Don’t forget about our new weekend schedule! 8:30 and 9:30 classes today followed by Olympic Lifting at 10:30.  Sunday classes are at 11 and 12!  Your work for today: Strength: Overhead Squat A suggested rep scheme here is 5 sets of 3. If you are not experienced with the overhead squat or struggle with the […]

  • January 4, 2013

    Happy Friday!  Just a friendly reminder to everyone that as class sizes grow it’s even more important to show up on time to classes. We realize that things happen and we’re not expecting perfection from anyone, but please do your best to be prompt!  Your work for today: Deadlift  5×5 Add 5-10# from your last […]

  • January 3, 2013

    Strength: 3RM Hang Squat Clean New to squat cleaning or Olympic lifting in general? No problem! Your 3RM for the day might be much lighter than your power clean or maybe even an empty barbell. Working on technique here will be much more important than putting up a big number.  WOD: 21 KB Swings 53/35 […]

  • January 2, 2013

    Who’s ready for the first workout of 2013?!  STRENGTH: Push Press 5-4-3-2-2-1-1-1 Go for a new 1 RM! WOD: Max Reps in 2 minutes at each station with 30 seconds of rest between each: Ball Slams HSPU or Regular Push Ups Pull Ups Squats  Clean&Jerk 65/95 Sit Ups Burpees  

  • January 1, 2013

    HAPPY NEW YEAR!! We hope you all had a fun and safe New Years Eve! Just a reminder that we are closed today.  The CrossFit Open Competition is around the corner so if you’re looking for something to do today, give 7 minutes of burpees a try!  We are looking forward to an exciting year […]