July 29, 2017
WOD For time 1000M Row then 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 Squat Clean 95/65 lb Push-Up Workout notes: Today’s workout features a “buy in”, prior to starting a couplet of squat cleans and push-ups. Be careful during that row! It does represent a large part of the workout but don’t go so hard that you are too fatigued to do […]
July 28, 2017
Skill EMOM for 10 Minutes 3 Power Snatch Perform three power snatches every minute for a total of 10 rounds. You can choose to link your reps together or perform three singles, but make sure you’re able to get all 3 reps done within each minute. The weight you choose should be in the moderate effort […]
July 27, 2017
Skill Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3 Today we will be working up to a heavy set of 3 deadlifts. Start with something manageable and build in weight as you go. Judge your effort by the strain it takes you to achieve each lift. If you don’t feel comfortable maxing out you can keep the weights lighter and work on proper body […]
July 26, 2017
Skill EMOM for 10 Minutes :30 seconds of pistols Pistols are a unique challenge. They require a lot of mobility and strength in order to perform them to full depth. Today we will be tackling this difficult skill, luckily there are MANY ways to scale this movement. You can use a box and perform high […]
July 25, 2017
Skill Tabata L-Seat Today’s skill work has us performing a difficult core strengthening movement. We will do a full round of Tabata holding 20 seconds of an L-Seat in every round. For the L-Seat we will be sitting on the floor with legs straight and elevated. The most difficult standard is to hold the legs […]
July 24, 2017
Skill EMOM for 10 Minutes 1 Power Clean Use 10 Minutes to work up to a moderate or strong effort power clean. Start with a light load and work up slowly increasing weight only if you have established the mechanics of the lift. Consider this as primarily skill work but going a little heavier than […]
July 23, 2017
WOD AMRAP in 30 Minutes 100m Pinch Plate Carry 25/15lb 30 Squats with plate 25/15lb 200m Plate Carry 25/15lb 30 Squats with plate 25/15lb 400m Run NO plate 30 Squats with plate 25/15lb Workout Notes: Slap on the sunscreen and get ready for some Sunday fun in the sun! Today’s workout is a long one! If […]
Competition 07-24-17
Monday 07/24/2017 Skill EMOM for 10 Minutes 1 Power Clean Metcon AMRAP in 8 Minutes 12 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch 50/35 lb 6 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20″ Gymnastics 12x90s [odd] Row for calories [even] 60 seconds of Kipping HSPU Strength 3x 10 Back Squat ~ increasing from 7/18 Accessory EMOM for 10 Minutes 30 seconds of Chest […]
July 22, 2017
WOD 5 rounds of 3 minutes on 1 minute off 4 Deadlifts 225/155lb 8 Kettlebell Swings 32/24kg 24 Double Unders Workout Notes: This workout will be scored similar to how you would score the infamous CrossFit classic “The Chief”. Accumulate as many rounds and additional reps in each 3 minute period. You will be working for […]
July 21, 2017
Skill 5×1 Rope Climb It’s everyone’s favorite day! Spend today’s skill practice working on learning to climb the rope! Pack your long socks or knee sleeves today to protect your ankles and shins! A good way to establish that you have the baseline strength to attempt a climb is by performing a bodyweight hang test […]