July 13, 2015
EMOM for 10 Minutes Push Jerk + Split Jerk Working from the floor, perform the Push Jerk+Split Jerk barbell complex every minute for 10 rounds. This complex will require you to first perform a push jerk and then catch the bar with soft knees, reset your stance and perform a split jerk. Work up […]
July 12, 2015
WOD AMRAP in 4 Minutes Muscle Ups Rest 2 Minutes AMRAP in 4 Minutes Row for Calories Rest 2 Minutes Run 800M for time Workout notes: We have three very different aspects of fitness today and therefore 3 very different scores as workout results. First we’ll test out a beginner level gymnastic skill that is quite […]
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July 11, 2015
WOD 6 Rounds for time 20 Power Snatches 75/55lbs 400M Run Workout notes: This workout calls for 6 sets of 20 snatches. With a workout like this we’re looking for a fairly light load on the bar below the 50% range or your 1RM. Working with a light weight like a muscle or power snatch would […]
July 10, 2015
Skill EMOM for 10 Minutes 3 Hang Power Clean Work up to a moderate weight Hang Power Clean and perform 3 repetitions every minute for 10 minutes. Choose a weight that allows you to do all three reps in a row. For a power clean we’re looking for a little bit lighter weight than you would use […]
July 9, 2015
Skill 1RM Turkish Get-Up Today’s skill item is something you are likely not entirely familiar with. Spend time familiarizing yourself with the Turkish Get-up and get acquainted with the movement on both arms. Each “rep” is coordinated sequence of events that will allow you to move efficiently. Focus on keeping your elbow straight and look up […]
July 8, 2015
Strength E2MOM for 12 Minutes 2 Deadlift Today we are working on a strong effort deadlift across 6 sets. Spend some time working up to a deadlift that is in the 80% range and then perform 6 doubles at that same weight. The lift will increase in difficulty as you accumulate more reps so focus […]
July 7, 2015
Skill Front Squat 8-8-8-8-8 Today we’re performing 5 sets of 8 Squats working up to a heavy set. This rep range is may be unfamiliar so spend some time thinking about how you would perform a large set of heavy squats. The best strategy is to take a moment to take a few slow and deep breaths at the top of […]
July 6, 2015
Skill Tabata Plank Hold with arms fully extended. Really what we are looking for when say “Plank” is to hold your body in hollow position. It can be tempting to lose tension and let your body sag but what you should strive for is a totally flat back achieved by tilting your pelvis effectively taking the […]
July 5, 2015
WOD 10 Rounds for time, load and mechanical integrity. 3 Heavy Squat Cleans 5 Strict Pull-Ups 5 Strict Ring Dips Workout notes: Please note that there is no prescribed weight for this workout! The priority for this workout is technique as well as task. In total you will perform 30 Squat cleans in sets of 3 so something in the […]