July 19, 2015
WOD 3 Rounds for time 20 Toes-To-Bar 200M Uneven Farmer Carry 800M Run Workout notes: This workout falls in the longer duration category so most of your work should feel very aerobic. It won’t make sense to go all out on the Toes-To-Bar or Run as you most likely won’t be able to maintain a sprint pace for […]
Protected: Competition 07-20-15
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July 18, 2015
WOD AMRAP in 25 Minutes 3 Heavy Deadlift Sustainable set of HSPU Rest 120 seconds Workout notes: Today’s workout will feel a little different than many of the metabolic conditioning workouts that you encounter. For this workout you will be spending essentially the entire time working in an entirely anaerobic pathway. Working a heavy 3 Rep deadlift […]
July 17, 2015
Skill AMRAP in 6 Minutes 30 Seconds Hollow Hold 30 Seconds Passive Squat Hold with Stretch For the skill work today credit yourself for one round when you complete a total of 30 seconds of each movement consecutively. Most athletes will need to break up the movements at some point so remember that your 30 […]
July 16, 2015
Skill EMOM for 10 Minutes 3 Overhead Squat Work up to a light load and perform 3 Overhead Squats every minute for 10 minutes. Practice squat snatching your first rep if you can. If you are new to the movement power snatch the bar and ride it down into the bottom of your first squat. […]
July 15, 2015
Skill EMOM for 10 Minutes 1 Squat Clean For the skill work today we’ll be working up to a moderate weight squat clean. You’ll perform one repetition every minute. Pull under control from the floor and practice using fast elbows while you catch the clean in the bottom of your squat. If you are new to […]
July 14, 2015
Skill 1RM Weighted Pull-Up Rest to recovery Max Set of Strict Pull-Ups Rest to recovery Max Set of Kipping Pull-Ups All three of the variations are tests. Testing the 1RM weighted pull-up will take the longest as you work up to a heavy weight. Use any grip but keep the movement as strict as possible. […]
July 13, 2015
EMOM for 10 Minutes Push Jerk + Split Jerk Working from the floor, perform the Push Jerk+Split Jerk barbell complex every minute for 10 rounds. This complex will require you to first perform a push jerk and then catch the bar with soft knees, reset your stance and perform a split jerk. Work up […]
July 12, 2015
WOD AMRAP in 4 Minutes Muscle Ups Rest 2 Minutes AMRAP in 4 Minutes Row for Calories Rest 2 Minutes Run 800M for time Workout notes: We have three very different aspects of fitness today and therefore 3 very different scores as workout results. First we’ll test out a beginner level gymnastic skill that is quite […]
Protected: Competition 07-13-2015
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