April 30, 2015
Skill Tabata L-Sit Today’s skill work is a Tabata interval with a tough test for the midline. You will attempt as much of :20 seconds of an L-Sit as you can. Most folks will be best served by holding the L-Sit on the floor with legs raised and at extension for as long as possible. Moving your hands […]
April 29, 2015
Strength Push Press 2-2-2-2-2 Working from the floor, spend some time testing out a strong effort 2 rep push press. For this movement start with a “dip and drive” as you would a jerk but maintain extension of the knee and kip as you press the bar overhead. Most likely the weight you work up to will be much […]
April 28, 2015
Deadlift 1-1-1-1-1 Work up to a strong effort Deadlift. The important thing here is that your heaviest lift has good form just like your lightest. Establish a solid base and set your back BEFORE you lift. Maintain your low back as you pick the bar up. WOD EMOM for 8 Minutes (odd) Kettlebell Swings 24/16kg […]
April 27, 2015
Skill 1 Round of 3 Minute Handstand Hold 3 Minutes Rest 3 Minutes Plank Hold Your score is the total number of seconds held at each station during the 3 minutes. Holding the position for the entire interval is not required! Break up the work as needed but go for as many seconds as you can. If you […]
April 26, 2015
WOD 3 Rounds for Time Run 400M 21 Push-Ups 12 Hang Power Snatch 115/75lbs Workout notes: It’s shaped like “Helen” but it’s got a harder level of difficulty with each movement! Spend some time reviewing the Hang Power Snatch and work up to a weight you can perform several reps in succession. Remember that performing a […]
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April 25, 2015
WOD 6 Rounds for Time 50 Double Unders 5 Thrusters 135/95lbs Workout notes: Two very difficult movements in today’s workout! The double under is always troublesome if you don’t have the skill nailed yet. Unfortunately the only way to learn the skill is by making many attempts and failing many times. Start by working on a […]
April 24, 2015
Skill E2MOM for 10 Minutes Push Jerk+Split Jerk Working from the floor, perform the Push Jerk+Split Jerk barbell complex every 2 minutes for 5 rounds. This complex will require you to first perform a push jerk and then catch the bar with soft knees, reset your stance and perform a split jerk. Work […]
April 23, 2015
Strength Every 90 Seconds for 8 rounds 1 Squat Snatch Start light and increase weight by a few pounds each round. Perform 1 Squat Snatch every 90 seconds for a total of 8 rounds. An appropriate weight to start with would likely be 60% or less for newer lifters. If you are still working on learning the basics or working […]
April 22, 2015
[creativ_alertbox icon=”” colour=”theme” custom_colour=””]We could not be more excited to announce that CrossFit Davis has qualified a team for Regionals for a 2nd time! A huge Congratulations to our 2015 California Regionals Team: Beth, Mariah, Sophie, Ann, Jeff, Corey, Alex and Ryan!! And a shoutout to Elliot, Matt, Liz and Barb for contributing scores as […]