Protected: Competition 07-21-2014
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July 19, 2014
Skill E2MOM for 10 Minutes Sprint 100M Do 1 sprint every 2 minutes for a total of 5 sprints. Plan on increasing your intensity slightly throughout the workout with your last sprint being an all out effort. WOD “DT” 5 Rounds for time 12 Deadlift 155/105lbs 9 Hang Power Clean 155/105lbs 6 Push Jerks 155/105lbs In honor of […]
July 18, 2014
Strength E2MOM for 14 Minutes 1 Squat Snatch Perform 1 Squat Snatch every 2 minutes for a total of 7 rounds. The weight you choose should be moderately challenging but consider this as primarily skill work. An appropriate weight would be in the 60-70% range for newer lifters and near 80% for those that are more […]
July 17, 2014
Strength Tabata Push-Ups & Tabata Double Unders alternating between each movement. Start with Push-Ups and hit a number you think you can maintain for each of the 8 rounds. If you are ready, use this time to scale up your push-ups. If you are normally performing them from the knees try to do them from your […]
July 16, 2014
Strength E2MOM for 14 Minutes 1 Squat Clean and Split Jerk Perform a squat clean and a split jerk every 2 minutes for a total of 7 rounds. The weight you choose should be moderately challenging but consider this as primarily skill work. You should be able to catch the clean with your elbows up and […]
July 15, 2014
[creativ_alertbox icon=”” colour=”red” custom_colour=”#81d742″]Reminder! Today we have barbell club at 5:30! WOD Classes are at 4:45PM and 6:30PM.[/creativ_alertbox] Skill Deadlift 8-5-5-3-3-2-2-2 Work up to a strong double. After your general warm up start light and increase in small jumps. Focus on maintaining your lumbar posture throughout the entire movement. New lifters should remember not to […]
July 14, 2014
Skill 1 Round of 3 Minute Handstand Hold 3 Minutes Rest 3 Minutes Plank Hold Your score is the total number of seconds held at each station during the 3 minutes. Holding the position for the entire interval is not required! Break up the work as needed but go for as many seconds as you can. If […]
July 13, 2014
WOD 2 Rounds For Time 800M Run 40 Wall Ball Shots 20/14lbs 10/9′ 20 Cleans 135/95lbs Workout notes: The run will be a large part of the workout so focus on getting your feet moving and try not to use that second 800M as a recovery interval. Instead pace yourself during the first set of weighted […]
Protected: Competition 7-14-2014
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July 12, 2014
WOD 5 Rounds for Time 25 Push Press 75/55lbs 50 Double Unders 200M Run Workout Notes: This workout is a lot of reps! Make sure you can perform sets with the weight you choose. Breaking up the round is bound to happen but this should not be weight with which you have to perform single repetitions. Double unders […]