December 31, 2023
Workout of the DayRegular hours today! We’ll be closed tomorrow (Monday the 1st), then back to regular hours on Tuesday. AMRAP in 25 minutes:400 meter run40 sit ups200 meter farmer’s carry (one kettlebell and one dumbbell)20 front squats Challenge yourself on the front squat weight today; it’s ok if the twenty reps take four or […]
December 30, 2023
Workout of the DayFor time, with a partner:1 mile medicine ball carry150 wall balls150 calories 35 minute time cap Make sure that you and your partner are both comfortable with the medicine ball weight that you you’ve chosen. If you’re using two different medicine balls, decide on one of them to take on the carry. […]
December 29, 2023
SkillEMOM for 10 minutes:Hang power cleanHang squat cleanJerk Do your best to hit a lower catch position on the second hang clean, even if you aren’t able to hit a full squat. The goal here is to practice your power development and full extension on the first rep, and then build out the range of […]
December 28, 2023
SkillTake about ten minutes to practice handstand techniques. Ask your coach for guidance if you’d like to try a new technique! Below are some handstand drills listed in roughly ascending order of difficulty. Box shoulder standWall walkHandstand kick up against the wallCartwheelFreestanding handstand kick upHandstand walkHandstand push up against the wallFreestanding handstand holdFreestanding handstand push […]
December 27, 2023
SkillEMOM for 10 minutes:Hang power snatchHang squat snatch Keep both lifts within a range of motion that lets you hit a secure lockout with your feet firmly planted on the ground; pushing for a lower position on the second rep is the goal, but that shouldn’t compromise any of the fundamental components of good snatch […]
December 26, 2023
Gym ClosedWe are closed today, but will be open for regular hours tomorrow!
December 25, 2023
Gym ClosedMerry Christmas! The gym will be closed on Monday the 25th, Tuesday the 26th, and Monday the 1st. We’ll be open for regular hours otherwise.
December 24, 2023
Workout of the DayNote that the gym will be closed Monday the 25th and Tuesday the 26th! We’ll have regular hours otherwise. AMRAP in 24 minutes:200 m run24 single arm dumbbell push pressesAt the 8 minute mark, switch to doing goblet squats instead of push presses.At the 16 minute mark, switch to doing alternating power […]
December 23, 2023
Workout of the Day1 minute of sandbag cleans1 minute of strict pull ups1 minute of burpee box jumps2 minutes of sandbag cleans2 minutes of strict pull ups2 minutes of burpee box jumps3 minutes of sandbag cleans3 minutes of strict pull ups3 minutes of burpee box jumps The one and two minute intervals will be relatively […]
December 22, 2023
SkillEMOM for 10 minutesHang clean pullPower cleanSplit jerk This sequence hits the same transition work for the clean that we practiced on Wednseday with the power snatch. Take your time between each lift; the focus is on positioning and power deveopment within each lift, rather than linking them all fluidly like we did on Monday. […]