June 26, 2020
Where’s The Barbell? AMRAP 20 minutes 10 alternating dumbbell snatches20 push-ups30 step-ups Workout Notes We will be using a dumbbell today! Start with ten alternating dumbbell snatches. Choose a weight that you can maintain unbroken sets throughout. Move on to twenty push-ups. Scale by elevating your hands onto your box or by dropping down to […]
June 24, 2020
I Gotta Have More Barbell EMOM 10 minutes1 squat snatch then rest 3 minutes then AMRAP 7 minutesmax reps of burpee box jumps Workout Notes If Matt Pedri wants more barbell, we should probably give him more barbell. First up, one squat snatch on the minute for ten minutes. Really focus on your catch position […]
June 23, 2020
Eat, Sleep, Barbell, Repeat For time: 100 push jerks (115/85) Workout Notes: At least it’s not squats, lunges, or hang cleans today. The workout is pretty straight-forward: Complete one hundred push jerks as fast as you can. Utilize a strong drive from your legs, and drop under the bar as you catch it overhead before […]
June 22, 2020
Barbell Therapy 20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2 hang power cleans (115/85)front rack walking lunge steps (115/85) Workout Notes If my calculations are correct, that is one hundred and ten reps of each movement. Choose your weight accordingly. You should be able to consistently knock out large sets. Start the workout with twenty hang power cleans. Remember that each new […]
June 20, 2020
Bears, Beets, Battlestar Galactica…and Barbells “DT” 5 rounds for time: 12 deadlifts (155/105)9 hang power cleans (155/105)6 push jerks (155/105) Background: In honor of US Air Force SSgt Timothy P. Davis, 28, who was killed on Feburary, 20 2009 supporting operations in OEF when his vehicle was struck by an IED. Timothy was survived by his […]
June 19, 2020
Juneteenth Set aside some time today to research the significance of June 19th. Use your voice and resources to action change. There is a long road ahead and a lot of work to do, but we know the CFD community is committed to being a part of the solution. We can and must do better […]
June 18, 2020
Barbell is Life 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 Inside:deadlift 185/135box jumps Outside:kb swings or db snatchbox jumps Workout Notes Lather on the Wod Repair and tape up those fingers because we are crushing more barbell today. We have a classic combo of deadlifts and box jumps. Choose a conservative weight (especially if you haven’t deadlifted in three months). Be […]
June 17, 2020
Barbell Every Damn Day AMRAP 15 minutes 5 power snatches 115/85#10 bodyweight lunges15 sit-ups Workout Notes Hope you love the barbell, because we are making up for lost time. Start each round with five power snatches. Choose a conservative weight, the Rx weight is on the heavier side today. Shoot for quick singles or touch-and-go […]
June 16, 2020
Today’s Workout 5 Rounds of 3 minutes on, 1 minute off 3 clean & jerks 135/9512 air squats or alternating pistols Workout Notes We will be using the same time interval as “The Chief” today: five rounds of three minutes on, one minute off. Knock out three clean and jerks to start each round. Choose […]
June 12, 2020
At Home WOD Brought to you by Jakob L. 3 rounds for time: 400m run21 swings12 plank drags Workout Notes We have an ode to “Helen” today. Start each round with a four-hundred meter run. Go directly into twenty-one swings. If you have a kettlebell, use it. If you have a dumbbell, use it for […]